Stay Tuned

As time moves forward with too much speed, retirement for The Parson looms. If you stay tuned, you will find posts (on a regular basis) which raise questions of faith for thoughtful believers.

Is this a tease? Perhaps. The question on my mind this evening is: must clarity about faith lead to certainty in behavior? Must it be the case that what we believe inevitably leads to actions which have the potential to harm those with whom we disagree?

The question obtains on many levels, from international relations to life in a local congregation. It is no secret, for example, that in my denomination clergy and laity who are choosing to disaffiliate are doing so on the basis of clarity of faith with regard to biblical teaching, as if to suggest that those who stay do not share a similar commitment to biblical teaching, albeit arriving at different answers to questions of the day. I repeat my question: must it be the case that what we believe inevitably leads to actions which have the potential to harm those with whom we disagree?


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